I just wanted to take the time to tell you thank you and express what your leadership has impacted my life.  It has been a pleasure working with you and under your leadership.  Dr. Thomas, your leadership has taken me to greater heights.  Your positivity and demeanor follow as you enter any room and saturates the atmosphere.  Dr. Thomas, you have shown that being on time, attendance, and communication is key to any standing relationship.  You do not give orders. You lead by example and I thank you.  You spoke positivity into my life, which allowed me to believe in myself.  That newfound empowerment has empowered me and opened gateways into my creativity.  It is unbelievable how you read others, find their gifts, and help them operate in their God given gift.  You in turn, delegate tasks according to the person’s skill set and/or gift and ensure the task is delivered.  You never displayed favoritism and you always encouraged each of us.  No matter how big or small a question we posed, you took your time and never made us feel as though we should know.  Thank you for continuing to be a mentor to me, despite the many tasks you continue to have and people you continue to touch.  You are a blessing.  Your patience, your poise, your ability to sit at any table and your will to go through any door is a blessing to more than you will ever imagine.  Again, thank you for all you have done and continue to do.


Vikki Lee Spurlock

Owner Rosebud Healthcare


Nicole Thomas